more sluggish

美 [mɔːr ˈslʌɡɪʃ]英 [mɔː(r) ˈslʌɡɪʃ]
  • adj.缓慢的;迟缓的;懒洋洋的
  • sluggish的比较级
more sluggishmore sluggish
  1. Activist investors are pushing for a break-up of S & P 's parent , McGraw-Hill , to free its more promising divisions , including ratings , from the more sluggish publishing units .


  2. Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands .


  3. The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish .


  4. By contrast , both the American and Russian economic growth rates have become more sluggish .


  5. Why Europe is more sluggish than america ?


  6. Promoting orderly migration of people . The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish .


  7. At the same time he had grown intellectually more sluggish and showed little inclination to develop new ideas .


  8. The European jobs market looks more sluggish , despite early signs of economic recovery in France and Germany .


  9. This helps to explain why the unemployment rate is as low as in America or Canada , despite a more sluggish economy .


  10. Other indicators are more sluggish .


  11. Evidence that China just may be set for a year of more sluggish growth than consensus estimates came to light at the start of the month .


  12. In the meantime , the response of oil producers to rising oil prices seems more sluggish than ever , leading worries that crude production has peaked .


  13. Some drivers have become trapped in their vehicles during a snowstorm . Researchers suggest that cell phones make drivers more sluggish in perception and reaction .


  14. The team at Yale University found that in rats some have nerve endings which are more sluggish at signaling when your stomach is full than others .


  15. Chongqing has been helped by massive central-government support since the late1990s , aimed at reducing the imbalance between the prosperous coast and more sluggish interior .


  16. Bankers and analysts predict activity will be more sluggish , driven in part by forced IPOs as struggling companies look to shed assets and governments privatise state-owned groups .


  17. Although the two banks appear to fill the vacancies in the development of the domestic banking sector , the modern bankers culture in the true sense of the local Chinese appear more sluggish .


  18. But what has changed fundamentally since that meeting is the expectation that the global economic downturn will be longer lasting and economic recovery , when it does happen , even more sluggish .


  19. Doctors are allowing older and more sluggish kidneys to be transplanted . The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure .


  20. Weaker domestic demand is now being contaminated by a more sluggish export performance , which will mean that the tales of export factories in southern China shutting their doors are likely only to increase .


  21. Evidence that China just may be set for a year of more sluggish growth than consensus estimates came to light at the start of the month . Two surveys of the manufacturing sector both showed a sharp decline .


  22. Mr Roberts at Nomura reckons that the reserve bank rate at 4.75 per cent is 150 basis points too low for the mining sector , but too tight for more sluggish parts of the economy such as tourism and farming .


  23. The word exponential has taken a lot of abuse from managers who use it to describe any growth that is more than sluggish .


  24. Growth has been slowing more recently , reflecting sluggish global demand and problems at home - not to mention the economy now needs to expand from a much bigger base .


  25. Of this , the US accounts for less than 25 per cent , roughly 19m b / d. Equally significantly , as a result of higher production , more conservation and a sluggish economy , that is down from about 21m b / d in 2005 .


  26. Too much more than that and you might just feel more sluggish when you wake up .
